Monday, October 18, 2010


The 35th day! Last day in China! 
We had our IS Presentations.
Topics were all about China or Sichuan.
Our grp chose on the topic Pandas!!

Look how long their matchsticks were!
Packing was not at all easy!
I came here with the lightest luggage, BUT
I went back with the heaviest luggage among the girls! D:
heh! really bought alot alot of stuffs in china. 
Azmi got to help me sit on my luggage, so that i can zip it up! ):
It was really sad when all of us left.
We teared, our china friends teared.
All of us just could not bear each other. 

I will miss all of you, my wonderful China friends.
I will miss the bubbletea shop owner, her bubbletea shop and her awesome bubbletea!
I will miss all the kids here, especially Rui Ning, the small little girl outside the bubble tea shop.
I will miss all the food stalls at the 2nd level, especially the one just below our hostel and the Halal stall.
I will miss all the supermarts below our hostel! Especially the family with the cute puppy.
You guys made my OIP trip so awesome, so wonderful, so fun, THANK YOU!
I'll be back, promised! :D

I am going to miss the hostel...
I will miss you, doggie!
heh! I looked taller today! cos i was with HEELS :D

Goodbye Sichuan
This 5 weeks of journey in China, was really enjoyable and wonderful.
I departed Singapore, somehow alone, without any of my close friends.
Poly friends could not come because all of us had forgotten the deadline! D:
But since, I'm a girl, Mr lee allowed me to go, he wants the girls to have even number bah. 
Thankyou Mr lee! I was the only one, only girl in my class coming for this trip okay!

However, at first, I regretted signing up this trip alone.
Thinking of how to survive the next 5 wks, how homesick I would be.
In my whole mind, were mostly negative, pessimistic thoughts. 

But now, leaving China with so many friends! 
Because of you guys, I didn't feel lonely, or homesick at all!
You guys took really good care of me, made this trip really awesome for me .
We all had fun tgt, Studied hard and played hard tgt.
And now, I am so glad that I made this decision of coming "alone".

Come to think of it, if I would have come with my poly clique, 
I would be staying with them for the whole of 5 weeks!
And I know, I would not be interacting with anyone as much as I did for the past few weeks.

OIP CHENGDU 2010 was a remarkable, cherished experience.
Hello Singapore, I'm Back (:
I would like to end off this last post with a quote:
"It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide on what to do. "
And yes, it was also a right decision made.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Shopping Day at Mianyang! :D
Our initial plan was supposed to go Chengdu to shop, but there was a riot at Chengdu ytd. 
Heard it's becos of the china and jap bad relationship, becos of diaoyu island's territory if im not wrong. 
HAIIII. so our teachers changed the place to mianyang instead.
ok lah, it's better than none :D

We took a train to mianyang!
One hr plus ride. :D 
The train ride was so cool! 
We were late and so,
All of us ran from one end to the other end to board the train (more than 150m), 
with the train officers were chasing us, shouting at us to hurry up. HEH.

Check out our nice fingers! :D
Mine's leopard prints. the one just below the lady finger.
After the train ride, was a 15 min bus ride! 
Took a public bus, Bus 10.
My first experience on a china public bus. :D :D
Finally, reached the central of mianyang, where all the large shopping malls were located.
Lunch was great, ate at a small eating street which Tom, our china friend recommended. 

Shopping next! :D
The shopping was not too bad, not as good as Chengdu though.

OMG. All of us encountered a Riot! 
It was the first time in my whole entire life!
Heard the protestors were university students.
They were carrying large china flags and anti-jap flags, attacking all the japanese products, shops and cars!!
Ajisen was attacked by them! 
The shop owners of electronic shops kept all their items immediately and closed their shops when they saw those protestors.

Were supposed to catch the last train at 5.30pm,
But cos of the riot, there was a massive traffic jam. 
So all of us, got down the bus and started walking/running, hoping that we would not miss the last train.

On our way, we witnessed Japanese cars that were already flipped over by those protestors!!
As we walked further down, more happening stuffs happened!
We saw a large group of protestors, getting ready to turnover a Japanese car!
Glass bottles throwing here and there. 
Police trying to stop them, but to no avail.
OMG. Scary shit! What if there was explosion?!

I was so stunned by all these. 
But it was once in a lifetime, really an eye-opening experience.
We don't get to see riots like this so often, since we are living in Singapore.

At night, there was a farewell party for us organised by the hairstylists below our hostels! :D
And there was fireworks too!
These fireworks were the largest among all the other fireworks that we had put. 
Lovely!~ A great night, awesome party.

Today was really happening, unforgettable, invaluable and wonderful.
If only my life in Singapore can be as awesome as my China life.. HAH! :D

Saturday, October 16, 2010


A Visit to the Earthquake-destroyed Site
In the morning, we paid a visit to the earthquake-destroyed area.
When the bus passed by all the destroyed, collapsed buildings, my heart ached. 
We arrived at this factory company which was destroyed by the earthquake.
From the guide, there were even hostels for the workers in this factory, and ALL, 
were destroyed.
Walking into the destroyed earthquake really grievous. D: 
Imagine hundreds of innocent lives in this factory killed by this natural disaster.

This clock tower is just outside the factory. 
The time on the clock stopped exactly at 2.28pm, the time which the earthquake happened on 2008 May 12.
And it remains there ever since. 

The whole town had become a dead, ghostly town.
What's left was dust, and abandoned buildings
In the afternoon, it was free & easy for us, so we went to Guanghan to shop! :D
The girls went for manicure while the guys went for massage. 
The massagers were blind, from what I heard, but they were good! :D
So what if one is disabled, as long as his other body parts are still functioning well, he can still be a very useful person! 
Which is why I admire people like them. 

The manicure was good. :D 

Had some shopping after that and then, we took trishaws to the KTVs area in Guanghan! :D
My first experience taking a trishaw! (: (: 

Spent the rest of the night singing!
Another KTV session, but this time, with the non-chineses! 
It was their first time to the KTV. 
FUN! :D 
Okay. no more pictures, cam's batt died. 

Today's another long day.
I am so glad I am able to pay a visit to the earthquake affected area.
Life is so fragile. 
It makes me appreciate Singapore even more, once again.
Singapore is like, a blessed country from all natural disasters.

Friday, October 15, 2010



Morning was our SDC common test. 
Finally overrr.
But of cos, only over for the time being! 
It's only the Common Test! HAHA

After lunch was our graduation ceremony with the directors of the sch!

Mr Cheah and Darrick Speaking on behalf of us!
"This is to certify that Ho Xu En has completed a course of study in
Chinese Traditional Culture & Etiquette
from 14 Sep to 18 Oct 2010
at Sichuan Aerospace Polytechnic, China"
with the 4 China Teachers who had taught me alot on China & Sichuan!
Thank You! 
Mr cheah & Mr Nick! :D ;D
We've finally graduated!
After that, Subaa & I went with Emily to visit the girls dorm.
From what I heard from yunxia, i really thought it was very cramp, but NO!
It's actually alot of spacious than I thought! :D 

The farewell dinner was at this country club.
It has facilities like table tennis tables, mahjong rooms, karaoke rooms, poker cards etc.
We had great fun there, drinking beer and playing with all the things over there. haha.

the Multi-Racial Country!
There's  no Eurasian in us, so, I represented the Eurasian,
since i have the fairest skin among them! :D
I cherish every single minute here. :D
It's once in a lifetime. 
The experiences here, are all memorable.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


4 more days and I am going back to Singapore!
I am happy yet sad. Really going to miss this place and the people here. D:

Today is another purple day!
I went down with shorts and everyone was staring at me. 
One even asked, "don't you feel cold wearing shorts?!"
no leh! probably im already immuned to this temperature! (:

Oh no, SDC's ct tmr!
System Dynamic & Control, it's supposed to be a yr 3 module, and im only a yr 2!
Can mr cheah give discount to all the yr 2? lol. HEH! kiddinggg!

What happened when we studied too much SDC!

So, some of us, the year 2s bah, took a break from SDC and went to have steamboat for dinner! :D
None of us ordered the Mala steamboat. 
However, the non-spicy steamboat still tasted different from those in Sg's!

The soup here.. OMG. they might as well serve us oil for our steamboat soup!
The top of the soup was all oil. A thickkkk layer of oil.
Because there was only a bowl, I had to ask the waiter to pour away the bowl of oil so that I could take out more oil! 
I took out about 3 bowls of oil in total?
But there was still alot alot alot of oil, i swear.  YUCK.
The tomatoes were actually floating BELOW the thick layer of oil!!
But other than that, the steamboat was great :D

After this oil incident,  i want to say again, I am so glad I am living in Singapore. 
A country who is health conscious, less oil and salt. 
I really miss those advertisements from the health promotion board to warn us about this and that. 
I really appreciate SIngapore now, the govt especially, after this trip. 

SDC Ct in a few hrs time! good luck ppl! :D

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I have stayed in Sichuan for a month already! :D
The 30 days here were awesome. (: 

Today was the last lesson for IS!
Miss Li taught us on Business Etiquette, like the Do's & Don'ts when you're doing Business in China. 
It was a great lesson.  I've learnt alot alot.Thank you!
For example, when you give a china businessman a gift, he will usually decline for at least 2 times before accepting the gift. It's a form of manner in China. 

So remember, 
Next time, do not think you can save up ur gift when ur china friend/client declines the gift. 
He actually wants the gift!!
I mean, who on earth, doesnt like to receive gifts?! :D 

Some of the things we were doing in the dorm other than studying.
We have not yet turned into bookworms from all the SDC. HAH!

Okay, we actually tied this in the supermart!  LOL
Leonard borrowed my skirt I just bought to cross dress for his grp's IS project!
HAHAHAHAHA.! he looks so funny! 
I haven even worn this skirt to go out etc and I will be letting a GUY wear it.
Leonard should totally feel honoured man...
Check out Sexy Leonard
Okay, we actually do study. 
But that's when everyone's sleeping. :D
Some are completing their journals.
A sleepy girl is a moody girl. 
So, Sleeping is very importanttt!  lol

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


A Friendly Serious Soccer Match Indeed

Today was the friendly soccer match between the china soccer team and our very own soccer team! :D
It was said to be a friendly match.
But I doubt so, the china students took this game very seriously and played a fierce match. 
In the end, the score was 3-2, with the china team winning us by a point.
But it was a game well-played!
Especially the 2nd half! :D 
Our team gave their best! Great effort ppl! (: 
the china team on the right and our team in white on the left! :D

Mr Nick was telling us about this sch is organising an exchange program to come to singapore!
Visit Ngee Ann! Omg.
I was so thrilled to hear that!
I wished they can really come to Singapore!! 
The last time i hosted a group of indonesian students in my Sec sch, it was an awesome experience. 
So, I hope I can one of the Student leaders hosting them! it will be good :D

You can only see Singapore guys doing this.
This was what they did after their match.
Some of the china students were so entertained by it and started taking pictures, asking what were they doing! 
AWWWWW. this trip has really bonded us tgt very well :D
And after this match, you guys displayed good sportsmanship!!
I really like to see how u all cheered each other up and said job well done after the match, saying thank you to the china students, even though u all didnt win the game. :D 
Keep it up! :D

Monday, October 11, 2010


This week onwards is OTOT week! 
Which means, other than going for the remaining 2 days of IS, we do not need to attend anymore SDC classes already! :D :D 
which also means, more time for me to self study at the dorm! 
I seriously cant concentrate in the classroom, with small tables. (width is small, but length is long) 

After so many gloomy cold days, the sun was awesome today! 
great day to run and to dry our clothes!
So all of us sent for laundry early in the morning and collected it the afternoon. 
but of cos, the good sun didnt last long. HAHA! 

Had IS with a very pretty, petite teacher Miss Lee! :D
She taught us on the 3 Main Religions in China and how many Chinese in China practiced all the 3 religions tgt, by merging all their good values and practices etc.
Confucianism, Taoism & Buddhism.
Learnt quite alot of values today. ;D

After IS, we went to the bubble tea shop at the teacher's hostel to study.
But the environment there was not at all an ideal place for studying.
With the dim lights in the shop, and a student who keeps smoking stick after stick, we gave up studying there after awhile and headed back to dorm to continue with studying!

omg. sdc. hard. why. no mood. no choice. regret? NAH! lol

I rmbred a quote i learnt today from the IS class. 
It was from Lao Tze, he's a great Taoist, founder of Taoism.
Yes, this is so true, like my dad always tell my sisters and I "人比人会气死人!" 
Never compare or compete with others. 
Your ultimate enemy is actually you yourself.