Tuesday, October 12, 2010


A Friendly Serious Soccer Match Indeed

Today was the friendly soccer match between the china soccer team and our very own soccer team! :D
It was said to be a friendly match.
But I doubt so, the china students took this game very seriously and played a fierce match. 
In the end, the score was 3-2, with the china team winning us by a point.
But it was a game well-played!
Especially the 2nd half! :D 
Our team gave their best! Great effort ppl! (: 
the china team on the right and our team in white on the left! :D

Mr Nick was telling us about this sch is organising an exchange program to come to singapore!
Visit Ngee Ann! Omg.
I was so thrilled to hear that!
I wished they can really come to Singapore!! 
The last time i hosted a group of indonesian students in my Sec sch, it was an awesome experience. 
So, I hope I can one of the Student leaders hosting them! it will be good :D

You can only see Singapore guys doing this.
This was what they did after their match.
Some of the china students were so entertained by it and started taking pictures, asking what were they doing! 
AWWWWW. this trip has really bonded us tgt very well :D
And after this match, you guys displayed good sportsmanship!!
I really like to see how u all cheered each other up and said job well done after the match, saying thank you to the china students, even though u all didnt win the game. :D 
Keep it up! :D

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