Saturday, October 9, 2010


Hello Leshan's Giant Buddha! 

Toured at the Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area
We met the other group of NP, EE (electrical engineering division) students there too!
Aww, so nice to see singaporeans in a foreign country!
The EE people adopted 3 little puppies in the sch they are at! 
So cool! and all the puppies are sooo cute!
with the EE people. :D
The Leshan Giant Buddha, together with Mount Emei, which we are going to visit tmr, has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. 
This buddha was built in the Tang Dynasty! 
The statue took more than 90 years to finish building!
Incredible huh?
The statue is already a thousand plus year old!
It also is the largest buddha carved stone Buddha in the world! :D
It was said that the first monk spent his entire life, till he die,
Carving his head only!
Look at those people at the other side!
 they were so tiny compared to his head!
Haithong, the first monk which carved his headHe was really an admirable person.

the always Laughing Buddha!

Went to this wood-carving museum after that.
Subaa and I went around and came across this congealed tofu stall. 
It's actually beancurd, but not sweet. It's super spicy and kinda salty.
The spicy-ness really warmed me up! I was so cold before that. :D

We met the EE ppl at the museum again! 
This time they brought their puppies down the bus :D

DInner was at this Emei- Sect kind of restaurant.
There were statues of the Emei Sect kungfu movement outside that restaurant.
Dinner was quite satisfying. 
with the last dish, which tasted really good, Roasted Pig with ma-la chilli powder!

the super good roasted pig.
Went to watch the Sichuan Opera again.
The usual shows, Rolling Lamp, puppet show, finger-shadow and face changing. 
But this time, it was a little different, there were Emei Martial Arts display, since we were at Mt Emei Area
Even though I had watched before already, but I was still very entertained by every show! :D

We spent the night at a 4-star hotel! :D
It was awesome!
After spending 4 wks on bed-bug infested beds...
The beds were good. Toilet was great. We don't feel cold at night. Wonderful.

Today was another great day.
It was really incredible to see the giant buddha.
And I really admired the 3 monks who had committed their whole lives building this statue.
They had so much determination!  

And I had a wonderful sleep in the hotel! 
Even though it's only a night there, I am still thankful. 
Better than none right?!
Be grateful with whatever you have now. :D

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