Thursday, September 30, 2010



We reached the themepark at 9am on a cold, drizzling morning.
but of cos, the rain did not dampen our high spirits! :D
The themepark only opens at 10am, so some of us went to explore the paradise plaza outside the themepark.
The entire place was so beautiful! 
Indeed, it was a shopping PARADISE for all of us. 

getting ready for our grp photo :D

And the themepark. 
AWESOME. Totally awesome, fun! 
Their rides were one of the best, thrilling rides i had ever taken in my entire life!
All of us had soo much fun & laughter!!

My favourite line during all the rides: "OH MY GODDDD! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

there were alot more rides of cos, but I was having fun on the rides, so no pictureees.

I miss Singapore.

The 4D Cinema! 
Left the themepark at ard 7pm, feeling super dizzy from all the rides. HAH!
We were left with 3 more hrs to shop at the paradise plaza and to have our dinner;
SHOPPING AGAIN, with such limited time. D:

While waiting for the rest to shop finish and have dinner tgt, Subaa and I camwhored like mad.
Using Emmanuel's dslr.
Thanks Emmanuel! :D 

Taller than Mr harolddd! :D

That was the end of an awesome day.

Yes, we did have fun, but I also learnt smth today.
Dare to try, especially when you're still young & lively, or you'll definitely regret.
Even though I felt dizzy at the end of the day, I still make sure I tried every rides in the themepark :D

Hmm, I think I should put this determination of mine onto my studies too!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Shopping Spree @ Chengdu!

An hr plus ride to chengdu in the morning.
I was so excited cos we finally had a day dedicated for SHOPPING only! :D

Went pizza hut for lunch and had a great meal!
We spent a total of 700++ yuan!
And mr nick paid for it. 
we must must must treat u next time!!

the interior design is so cool!
Look how engrossed the boys were when choosing food.
This is only one page for smooties!
there were a variety of drinks lahhh!
compared to SG's pizza hut. the drinks here are wayyy better!!
My popcorn chicken pizza!
of cos, i couldnt finish all!!
they even had escargots!!
One thing SG should learn from China. Their pizza hut!
A variety of food choices. awesome

After our super full lunch, we, girls discovered this place, quite similar to "Bugis Street"!!
There were lots of cheap stuffs over there!! And we could bargain as well!
All of us were so engrossed in shopping that we had forgotten to take a picture of the entire place! D:
and i couldnt rmbr what was the name of that place called too..... ): ):
My new cap and shades!
we bought new CAPS! (Y)

playing with my cam's fish eye effect
we bought similar caps, but at different places!
Delwin(right) said his cap cost about 5 times more ex than me!
Went back to school and prepared for "freshies night" performance. 
It was our last performance for the students in china, performed the same song as last wed.
The yr 2s, including me, even put up a last min acapella performance!!
Both performances were good, i think?! :D
look at the crowd. =O
waiting for our performance
Performances put up by the china students for "Freshies Night cum National day celebration" were really great.
I could tell that they put in alot of efforts in it. 

YUN XIA gave me this flower! cute right!
I love making new friends. (:
It's a not a bad thing I came here alone, at least I wont keep sticking with my clique and not make so many friends!! :D

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


It was the 2nd and the Last IS lesson on touring china with Mr Qiu today.
After his lesson, I found out DuJiangYan, Mt Qingcheng and Mt Emei are under the world heritages!
And I had been to 2 of them already! Cool Huh?!

Anyway, Thank you Mr Qiu!!
It was pleasant to have you teaching us about Sichuan.
The next IS will have a different teacher, teaching a brand new topic.
Hope it will be as interesting too!

After class, there was a friendly match between our SG boys and the China boys.
It was a fierce game even though they called it "friendly"
The china team was super good.
At last, our boys didnt win, but all of us were so proud of them for their efforts.
And i'm sure it's the experience they gained that's more important! 
Darick, Our Captain.
His hands were so dirty from all the BB games he played

Our own BB team! 

Rahim wearing Darick's cool specs instead of supporting!  
After supporting them, some of us went to play Mahjong!
When it comes to mahjong, im still a noob who does not know how to count tiles etc. D:

The Sichuan Mahjong is different from the ones I played in Singapore.
They do not have tiles like BAI BAN,东, 南 ,西, 北, 发财, 红中 etc. 
And their tiles are so huge! so nice to play.

The tiles will come up automatically!

In the end, Emmanuel was the biggest loser, so he treated us to dinner!
Dinner was great! We went to the place that Mr Nick introduced.

I tried brinjal for the first time in Sichuan!
And I'm proud to say, this was the first time I ate a piece of brinjal w/o spitting it out!
I even had more pieces of brinjal! (Y)
Even kye jie and ze hao, who didnt like brinjal either, loved that dish too!
This shows that, the plate of brinjal tasted really great. :D
this is the plate of brinjal. AWESOMEEE.
Looks gross rightt.
Don't judge a book by its cover.. :D

Monday, September 27, 2010


A Cold Monday Morning
Who doesn't want to stay in their warm, cozy beds and slp as long as possible?!
But we have to wake up at 6.30am again, to go to the SANXINGDUI Museum.
However, for a history nerd like me, all the efforts of waking up early, pulling myself out of the bed, were not wasted, the moment I stepped into the museum.
I am a history nerd. 
Check out my copper brown hair. Looks natural :D

The SAN XING DUI Museum, classified under China's national heritage, was built to honour the Chinese Shu Culture. 
The museum showcases different kinds of valuable cultural relics, found under Sanxingdui. 
I was really impressed by the statues, or artworks made by the ancient people about 5000 yrs ago!

It was certainly fascinating. 
In the past, because these people were very supertitious, they built many statues to worship the god.
Most statues were so detailed and beautifully carved!~
Wonder how they did that w/o any machines....

Ancient Steamboats

They carved this thousand yearsss ago. OMG

So detailed and pretty! 
A typical type of Statue that the ancient people built 

The museum toilet is super cleannn! 
They actually have auto-taps!
This is sooo Singapore. :D

Hidayah RAHIM, Lance & idk where kairen was looking at!
Back to school, during lunch, we went to make our specs at the specs shop in the sch.
The specs there were really cheap!

Check out Rahim's new geeky specs. :D
I made a new specs too :D
I got it for 94 YUAN (S$18.80) for the frame and lens!! 
My cheapest pair of specs everrrr.

After school, played table tennis at the table tennis court and met jeremy, darick and zack.
They rented motorbikes at the bicycle shop in the sch.
So cool right!

In singapore, U need a license to ride a bike. 
In China, no one cares!!
so, I borrowed their bikes and learnt to ride. heh!


XUEN's getting good at this that she even rode Emmanuel too!! :D
I love to try new things and gain those wonderful experiences.
Cos you're nvr too old to learn.