Thursday, September 23, 2010


Thurs. Cycling after class.
We rented bikes from the bike shop in the sch, to cycle to SAN XING DUI
A place where all the evidences, artefacts were kept there, to show that China has 5000 years of Civilisation.

It was a good experience for me, cycling in the coldddd.
We cycled on bumpy road, normal road for cars with cars horning at you every second.
And we even passed by the the villages.
The bikes were all WITHOUT suspension, so imagine riding on bumpy roads with lots of rocks. OUCH.

This is a new bike; Look at those plastics on the bike

Her attachment was in Rolls Royce!! 

Cycling in china is so different from spore.
In spore, safety always come first, so cars will always give way to the pedestrains or cyclists.
But this also shows that there are a lot of restrictions.
However, this is the opposite in china, cars do not even care about you. lol.
You can do whatever reckless things you want and nobody cares. 
THIS IS CHINA, not SG. haha

ze hao.

This shows that i am damn bad at self whoring. HAH!
i was cycling btw.
During the trip, there were alot of problems with our bikes. Lousy quality. tsk
First, it was Subaa's bike. Her chain came off. 
The guys took quite awhile to finish fixing it and their hands turned black after that. D: 

Finally, when we could move on. 
One min ltr, my left pedal came off! 
The nut and pin dropped out, which was quite fast, for a new bike. LOL. 

So some of us traced back the path to find the pin and nut.
We managed to find the pin though! But not the nut. 
So the guys took a long time to knock the pin in to secure it.
Thank you so so much!

The silver pin
A photo taking session at a halfway stop. 
Throughout the whole journey, more bikes "broke down". 
But thanks to those guys fixing the bikes, getting their hands dirty w/o any complains, we managed to continue. Thanks!

We've reached our destination! Finally! (:

I like this pic! :D
Photographer: Kye Jie. 
Pri Sch Mate! Zi An :D

He cycled back with me to make sure that my bike will not break down halfway
(ensure that pin stays there) thankssss...
Reached back sch, at the bike shop and a commotion happened.
We left all the bikes there, paying money etc.
All of a sudden, Ze Hao's bike just broke into half due to fatigue.
Thank goodness the bike only broke when he finished cycling.
if not, he might injured himself badly while cycling! 

But the ridiculous thing was, the bike owner insisted on us paying for the bike!! 
It wasnt even our fault that the bike was spoiled! 
It was the bicycle quality. Omg.  
And they still dare to rent us such bad quality bikes!! This concerns our safety.

Because of this, our student leader, Tom had an heated argument w the owners there. 
But in the end, we still paid for the bike, 20yuan.
oh well, this is china. 
Mr nick did not want to anything to happen to us.

Anyway, after that, we bought fruits and did SDC tutorial.
YELLOW apple. o.o

This is how everyone will look when doing tutorials D:
What a day.
A happening Thursday. 

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